Event Committee

The Event Committee

The aim of the Event Committee is to ensure all I*ESN Tilburg Events run as smoothly as possible to make sure that all members can get the most out of all the events without having to worry about a thing.

Te Event Committee organizes different trips and events during the year, for example the bigger trips like Esurf and ESNow, but also a weekend trip to Amsterdam so you can experience the capital of the Netherlands in pure style. We have some more trips in store such as a weekend in Prague, or a once in a lifetime trip to Oktoberfest to experience how the Bavarians drink beer. Next to the bigger events, the event committee organizes multiple smaller events like the Holland City Race or a trip to the Keukenhof and much much more! In the calendar you can find all the events that are planned during the semester!

We are looking for new members! Send an email to the Event Committee, eventcommittee@iesntilburg.nl.