Bar Committee

The Bar Committee

We are always looking for new BarCo! No idea what we’re talking about? Those lovely people in red, who dedicate some of their nights to getting you drunk. The people who hand you a nice cup of cold water when you need it, and help you remember some parts from the night before when you can no longer remember them. This makes the Bar Committee one of the most respected committees in I*ESN.

As a BarCo member you will get to do shifts with partyanimals like yourself. You’ll serve the drinks during the Carpe parties and enjoy free beer, wine and soda behind the bar. And don’t forget the precious afterdrinks and monthly Bar Committee meetings, where memories and life long friendships are made.
You’ll have a few shifts per semester and your availability (exams, travel etc) will be taken into account. Bar experience is not required! Interested in being part of the Bar Committee? Email us at